Reinventing Years of Engagement

Having managed design for the Nexeo brand for years, through acquisition of Nexeo Solutions and divestiture of the Nexeo Plastics business, we were tasked with defining a cohesive brand across all customer and internal stakeholder touchpoints. We continue to manage all brand-related, internal and external communications design.


Brand Identity
Print Design
Digital Design
Art Direction


The Blind Finch brand concept is rooted in the history of speakeasies and speakeasy terminology. The finch has no eyes. He’s blind so that he does not see who or what happens in the bar. He is the protector of the secrets of the place, and turns a blind eye to the revelry that happens there, while ensuring no one gets out of line. He is strong and aggressive as a protector, but passive in his engagement with customers and prefers to stay in the shadows.

Color Palette

The Blind Finch color palette was inspired by a core set of rich jewel tones and vintage neutrals.